Just Start | Blog 002

In my second Vlog I discuss the idea of just starting. Often times we get bogged down in the learning, education and strategy of what we are planning to do that we never even start or worse get burned out before ever beginning. I also take you on a small portion of the roasting journey and you get to tag along on some product shots that took.. All in all you should enjoy! Please watch!

The Power of Starting | Vlog 002

Pursue Happiness | Blog 001

2018 Was a life-changing year for me. I stumbled upon two passions that I now love, roasting coffee and creating videos. Whether it is roasting coffee on my Bideli roaster or vlogging with my new GoPro Hero 7 Black, I am going to pursue what makes me happy in 2019! This is just the beginning. We have a ton of coffee to roast and videos to create this year. The plan is to release a new vlog every Wednesday and a Cedar Ota Presents video monthly. I also wanted to use this vlog to thank everyone who purchased coffee from me in December 2018. It was a killer holiday season! Enjoy the show and hit me up with any questions or comments! What are you pursuing in 2019?