Introducing "Ota" - Cedar Ota Coffee's New Employee

The coffee roaster build out process for Cedar Ota has been taking far longer than planned. Here is a glimpse of the potential problem. Let me know what you all think of Ota? He isn't working out to well so I don't know how long we are going keep him around, but I guess you have to show up first to be let go... Only problem is he is family, so we can't fire him.

I had a blast making this one and I can definitely see these videos getting out of hand later down the road once I get better at it. Learned a ton making this one and can't wait to improve on the next one.

In actuality I have not gotten far on the build out. Life events have been hitting me right and left and I keep using them as an excuse which is the other problem. Time to make some time and get this ball moving down the field.

Thanks for all who have supported this venture so far! I truly appreciate the orders! Please enjoy the show!