10 Coffee Roasting Variables for “Beginners”

Not to long ago I was starting out on my coffee roasting journey. Clueless to the process and even more clueless to where to start. I searched the web, read a few books, and burned the ever-living damnation out of some perfectly green coffee. In the short year and a half that I have been roasting, I’ve picked up a few things and decided to share them with you today.

In this video I cover the basic variables in coffee roasting that will affect the taste of your coffee. There are tons more, but these are some of the major ones that you will notice right off the bat when just starting out.

Coffee Roasting Variables:

1. Charge Temp

2. Preheating Time

3. Density of Coffee and Type

4. Convection and Conduction

5. Fuel

6. Speed and Duration of Roast

7. Ambient Temp/Humidity

8. Drop end Temp

9. Batch Size

10. Miscellaneous

If you have any questions in regards to any of them please do not hesitate to comment below and I will be happy to discuss, argue, and learn (civilly) with you! Thanks for all the support and to those that subscribed. I am hoping to put some pretty good things together for 2020 and get the year off to a good start.

Please enjoy the show!!