Coffee Bag Stamping Tutorial - StazOn Ink

Today I wanted to make a video on something that in the beginning felt almost impossible to do. Ink stamp matte coffee bags. I never could figure out how to get the ink to dry and all the ink I ever tried would smear and not perform well at all. Then I cam across StazOn Ink. This ink was exactly what I was looking for to stamp my matte black coffee bags from PBFY with white ink. In this tutorial I go over how much ink to use and how to ink the stamp. I also give tips on what rubber stamps you may want to use and also the bags that I will be using in this video. Check out Rubber Stamp Champ if interested. Also check out the StazOn Ink Cleaner to remove the excess StazOn Ink from the stamps before storing away.

Please note for coffee roasters that this method is a good way to start and get your product moving in the beginning but it is not scalable at all. This method can be very time consuming and when adding in the price for labor hours it will not make sense to do it as your business grows. Eventually switching to pre-stamped bags during purchase is the way to go. But in the beginning we all need to see how the market is and this is very easy and cheap, yet laborious, process to test the waters with.

I truly hope this video can help you save time and money when it comes to stamping bags.