The Building is on the Pad - Cedar Ota's New Home

Things have been going a little slow here as of late. My father passed away a couple weeks ago and we have been struggling with the change. Pops was a pillar we all leaned on and his wisdom was always sought after. I truly miss the old man more than I can summon up in any words. He taught me much of what I know and he was always willing to help me with any crazy idea I had. He was there financially when I hit some rough spots in the military and he was there emotionally anytime I needed someone to vent too. He admired my coffee adventures and was looking forward to seeing my building set up and running. Thanks for everything pops. You molded me into who I am today and for that I will always be greatful!

Despite the struggles we have been facing we got the pad complete (thanks Uncle Alec and Thomas Pirie) and the building is now set. Looking forward to getting all the electrical work complete and moving the roaster in for the install. The real work is just beginning. We have a ton of stuff to complete before we can officially have it running and operating the way I plan.

If you get time check the update out here!