Coffee Roaster Build Out

Moving the Coffee Roaster - Did not drop it on my leg this time! Blog 007

Moving a coffee Roaster is no easy task, especially in the humid Louisiana heat! But, I finally got it moved to its new home! Sad to see it moving but proud of its new journey. Tons more work to do and big plans in the process.

The process.... let’s talk about that for a second. Any journey you go on there are going to be some ups and downs. Too often in life, I have found my self living for the goal or end dream that I forget to simply stop and enjoy the process. The process of business creation should be fun, exciting, scary, and enjoyable. Most goals we set once met do not satisfy our souls. We simply create a larger goal and continue with our head down hating the process all the while dreaming and wishing for the end (goal). Whether it’s a monetary value, selling the business, or going public we will miss the most enjoyable parts of life if we fail to embrace the experience and excitement of the process. I decided a while back that I was going to try and channel all the uncertainty and anxiety that comes with a startup into an enjoyable experience. Vlogging the journey was going to be my method.

Having the opportunity to look back at the crazy things I am trying to do and laughing at my insecurities and my lack of knowledge has made the journey 10 fold more enjoyable. I would urge anyone who is thinking of starting a craft or hobby to just focus on enjoying the process. Regardless of the result, as long as you are having fun you will succeed!

Thanks to everyone who has purchased coffee up to now! I can’t believe how far we have come on this amazing journey. I am happy to help and give back in any way. Just hit me up with any questions. Until the next one, stay thirsty my friends and give more than you take!

Tropical Storm Barry - A Hurricane Blog

Tropical Storm Barry didn’t turn out to be the big hurricane the news and media were making it out to be, but I’m not going to complain. No damage and no flood here in Denham Springs, Louisiana, we will take it.

Needless to say though we prepared the best we could. I needed to make sure that the Cedar Ota Shack was ready for the storm in case large amounts of rain decided to come. We stocked up on some sender blocks from my brothers old place and moved the vehicles to safety.

My wife’s younger brother is in town and as you can see from the video he was nice enough to put up with me and lend a helping hand during the hurricane prep. Thanks, buddy! All in all the Cedar Ota Shack is safe and now with the storm out of the way we can get back to focusing on the build out and moving the roaster. (That Video Here).

And I killed the wasp at the Cedar Ota shack!!!!

The Building is on the Pad - Cedar Ota's New Home

Things have been going a little slow here as of late. My father passed away a couple weeks ago and we have been struggling with the change. Pops was a pillar we all leaned on and his wisdom was always sought after. I truly miss the old man more than I can summon up in any words. He taught me much of what I know and he was always willing to help me with any crazy idea I had. He was there financially when I hit some rough spots in the military and he was there emotionally anytime I needed someone to vent too. He admired my coffee adventures and was looking forward to seeing my building set up and running. Thanks for everything pops. You molded me into who I am today and for that I will always be greatful!

Despite the struggles we have been facing we got the pad complete (thanks Uncle Alec and Thomas Pirie) and the building is now set. Looking forward to getting all the electrical work complete and moving the roaster in for the install. The real work is just beginning. We have a ton of stuff to complete before we can officially have it running and operating the way I plan.

If you get time check the update out here!