Coffee Break - Our trip to Branson, Missouri Blog 004

Sometimes you have to get away and rekindle the fires of marriage… without the kids.

So my wife and I was blessed to go to Branson, Missouri recently because of the generosity of the Veterans Help Foundation. They set us up in the Big Cedar Lodge for a few days and quite frankly we could not have experienced anything better. The weather was amazing and the resort was stunning.

First we went to the Butter Fly Palace which is a museum like place with a large butterfly aviary. We received these sugar water petals before entering and the butterflies would literally land on you to eat from them. Luckily we captured it all on video.

We also went to the Talking Rock Caverns which was a very cool cave with a ton of history. Definitely a must see if you go to Branson!

We also took a boat ride on the Showboat which was the Branson Belle. The majority of our video was shot here as the view was spectacular and because the show was not our type the ride on the roof was very relaxing and peaceful. A great way to end our trip and spend some memories together.

Take a peak if you like!

Clearing Land for the Coffee Roaster - Cedar Ota Update

Its time to throw off the bowlines and venture on to that which I have been dreaming of for years.

We cleared the area where my future coffee roastery is going to be and prepped the area for the pad. It felt so good having my family there to help and see my once imaginary dream turning into reality. It was the first step to a dream becoming more. We still have to build up the dirt pad and get the building moved in but we are slowly getting closer.

I have decided on a 12’X32‘ wood frame building with a small front porch to make it easier to load/unload coffee and equipment. This should give enough room in the beginning to set up the coffee roasting area and also a studio area to shoot product shots and some video. Adding a desk area to work out of in the front of the shop will allow me to conduct all my business/editing/media in one location.

Hope you enjoy the vlog below!

Are You Good Enough | Blog 003

Do you ever wonder if you are good enough? I know starting can be the best thing to get you moving and learning quickly but sometimes the number of tasks to complete can seem overwhelming when starting a new venture. For anyone starting a coffee roastery, we have to realize it will be more than just learning how to roast. Website development, bag design, packaging, marketing, and shipping all come into play. As an individual startup, it can be hard to manage all the tasks that need to be completed. Vlog 003 covers these topics and to be honest at this point I do not have the answers. But... I do know you just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and try to make daily progress. As long as you are moving the ball forward then you are in the game. If you are starting a coffee roastery I feel your pain right now.